AmCham Germany's CR Committee hosts Roundtable on the “National Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”

Photo credit: AmCham Germany

Berlin. On Friday, April 28, 2017, AmCham Germany's Corporate Responsibility Committee hosted a roundtable on the "National Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". The panel consisted of four members of the German Bundestag, representing all parliamentary groups: Heike Hänsel (DIE LINKE), Uwe Kekeritz (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Dr. Claudia Lücking-Michel (CDU/CSU) and Stefan Rebmann (SPD). Participants stressed the universal character of the SDGs, highlighting that whereas Germany has on the whole achieved a very high level of development, further efforts are needed to meet the SDGs on a national level. Moreover, Germany needs to contribute to meeting the goals on a global level. Panelists agreed that the implementation of the SDGs is a cross-sectional task, affecting all ministries. In order to guarantee a successful implementation, the process needs to be coherent and concerted. The panel discussion was moderated by Uwe Kleinert, Chair of AmCham Germany's Corporate Repsonsibility Committee and Head of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility at Coca-Cola Germany.

The National Sustainable Development Strategy is the key framework for achieving the SDGs in Germany. The strategy was adopted in December 2016. AmCham Germany has followed the process from the beginning and has published a position paper on "Entwurf der Neuauflage der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie 2016". You can access the position paper here.

We thank all panelists for the constructive exchange and look forward to continuing the dialogue in the future

For more detailed information please contact:

Heather Liermann

Head of Department

Membership Engagement & Development