Financial Services Committee Re-Organized

Focus on Brexit, innovation in the financial sector, transatlantic regulatory developments and data protection and security
Photo Copyright: wongwean

In 2017 we surveyed our membership regarding the re-organization of the Financial Services Committee. The feedback was incorporated into a new concept for the Committee in early 2018.

Dr. Martin Deckert (Partner, SKUBCH&COMPANY Management Consultants) and Martin Wiesmann (Managing Director and Vice Chairman Investment Banking, J. P. Morgan) are jointly chairing the Financial Services Committee. Dr. Lutz Raettig, member of the AmCham Germany Executive Committee, will also accompany the committee in its new orientation. The Financial Services Committee aims to monitor current developments that affect companies in different parts of the financial services industry.

Based on the survey results, upcoming events will focus on the following topics: Brexit, innovation in the financial sector (FinTech, digitisation, etc.), regulatory developments in the financial services sector in the USA and Europe, and data protection and data security in the financial sector.

For more detailed information please contact:

Heather Liermann

Head of Department

Membership Engagement & Development