Climate Change Policies on Both Sides

25 Jun 2024

Chapter Event


Please save the date and mark your calendar for an upcoming AmCham Germany event on "Climate Change Policies on Both Sides of the Atlantic - How Zero is Net Zero?" on June 25, 2024, in Cologne.

While both the U.S. and the EU have pledged to reach net zero emissions by 2050, they have adopted different policy measures to achieve that goal. What impact do these divergent approaches have on companies and consumers? What is the relationship between climate protection and economic competitiveness? And how can the declared goal of climate neutrality be achieved in the interplay between politics, business and society on both sides of the Atlantic?

We look forward to welcoming, among other speakers to be confirmed, Jacob Werksman, Principal Adviser for International Aspects of EU Climate Policy, EU Commission, Juergen Germann, Government Affairs & Public Policy Sustainability, 3M Central Europe Region and Dr. Julia Dieckmann, Head of Sustainable Finance Policy, Government and Public Affairs, Deutsche Bank AG, who will share their insights.


For more information about the event, please log in.

Tidarat Schneider

Manager, Strategic Partnerships, Regional Coordination & Events
